What's coming up in Room 5?

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Extreme Weather at Sunnynook

Heavy rain attacked our school today. Mrs Bellehewe got really excited and we all dashed to look out of the steam covered window. 

                                             The field looked like a muddy as, mud slide.
     Mr Christopher came to try and fix the exploding drain, which couldn't cope with the torrential water.

  The water started creeping onto the concrete towards the classroom.

                                    The circles around the trees looked like a UFO had landed!

                                                There was a water-slide down the concrete.

                                       The drain looked amazing. It was an exploding fountain.

                The rushing water came off the slippery, muddy field creating a waterfall onto the shady area.

                            Room 5 jotted exciting ideas about the heavy rain into their notebooks.

                                         We don't think the field will be open today!!!  


Jamie, Cody and Kai-Shang


  1. Wow - that is amazing! I wonder what it will look like tomorrow.

  2. WOW!! Our classroom is ON THE SCHOOL field!! When that rain started to pour down we were making plans on how to save our guinea pigs incase the classroom flooded!! Thank goodness it didn't happen though! Phew... From Room 16 Kohimarama School
